National Neighborhood Watch

A Division of the National Sheriffs' Association

Crime prevention through neighborhood cohesiveness and collaboration.


Community Oriented Policing Services

The Office was created as a result of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994. As a component of the Justice Department, the mission of the Office is to advance community policing in jurisdictions of all sizes across the country.

Community Oriented Policing Services provides grants to tribal, state, and local law enforcement agencies to hire and train community policing professionals, acquire and deploy cutting-edge crime-fighting technologies, and develop and test innovative policing strategies. Community Oriented Policing Services - funded training helps advance community policing at all levels of law enforcement - from line officers to law enforcement executives - as well as others in the criminal justice field.

Community Oriented Policing Services has helped nearly 12,950 jurisdictions through 27 different grant programs since 1994. In September 2002,had provided funding for 116,573 community policing professionals across the country.

Online Center for Problem-Oriented Policing

The Center for Problem-Oriented Policing is a non-profit organization funded by the Office to advance problem-oriented policing. It does this by offering information about ways in which police can more effectively address specific crime and disorder problems. The Center is comprised of affiliated police practitioners, researchers, and universities dedicated to the advancement of problem-oriented policing.


Open Solicitations,Grants Management Training, FY 2002 Grant Reports, Current Funding Opportunities, Commonly Requested Forms, Grant Owner's Manuals and more.

Community Oriented Policing Services in Schools Program

Their Schools (CIS) grant program is designed to help law enforcement agencies hire new, additional School Resource Officers (SROs) to engage in community policing in and around primary and secondary schools. CIS provides an incentive for law enforcement agencies to build collaborative partnerships with the school community and to use community policing efforts to combat school violence.

  • Community Oriented Policing Services in Schools Fact Sheet
  • Community Oriented Policing Services in Schools Grant Owner's Manual

The Community Policing Consortium

The Community Policing Consortium (CPC) is a partnership of five of the leading police organizations in the United States, representing the leadership of law enforcement: (1) International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP); (2) National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives (NOBLE) ; (3) National Sheriffs' Association (NSA); (4) Police Executive Research Forum (PERF); (4) Police Foundation.

Community Policing Keeps America Safe - Brochure

The Collaboration Toolkit: How to Build, Fix, and Sustain Productive Partnerships

This toolkit provides practical guidance to law enforcement agencies as they develop and sustain partnerships that support community policing.

Bringing Victims into Community Policing

This publication focuses on the role of crime victims in advancing community policing. It includes "first responder" guides to dealing with victims, a "model" policy for the prevention of repeat victimization, and the benefits of developing relationships between the police, crime victims, and victim organizations.

Community Policing, Community Justice And Restorative Justice

This publication examines the linkages between community policing, community justice, and restorative justice philosophies.

Creating an Effective Stalking Protocol

Creating an Effective Stalking Protocol is designed to help law enforcement agencies improve their responses to stalking.

Crime Analysis in America

Researchers conducted national telephone interviews, mail surveys, and site visits in order to develop a comprehensive understanding of the state of crime analysis in the United States.

Mediating Citizen Complaints Against Police Officers: A Guide For Police And Community Leaders

This guide addresses the implementation, expectations, and evaluation of police/citizen mediation programs. It addresses how to overcome obstacles to mediation such as police and citizen resistance.

Community Policing in Action! A Practitioner's-Eye View of Organizational Change

This document focuses on nine agencies determined to reorient their organizations around the principles of community policing. It details the challenges they faced in implementing a variety of organizational change projects, and collects the lessons they learned.

Assessing Responses to Problems: An Introductory Guide for Police Problem-Solvers

This Guide is designed to help agencies analyze and evaluate responses to specific crime problems.

For additional Resources, please visit the COPS Website.